Trending And Popularity

dgupta5150 on October 7th, 2010

While looking for a good Skype Video Recording Tool I reached out on my Twitter account and asked for a recommendation. Look whom I ran across. The Founder of VodBurner – Jeremy Hague. Because Jeremy and his team were so helpful, I thought that I would ask more about Australia-based VodBurner:


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dgupta5150 on September 4th, 2010

As you may have noticed, there is a tremendous amount of recycling on Twitter, and I don’t mean in the eco-friendly way. Followers come and go. One would assume you want to keep as many as you can. Let me begin by saying I’m not an expert in marketing, Twitter, Facebook, social media, social networking […]


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dgupta5150 on September 1st, 2010

The What and Why of Formulists When you get started with Twitter and as you become more active, the people you choose to follow, and the people who choose to follow you, provide Twitter’s value but also its toughest challenges. These challenges involve finding the right people to follow and sorting through them all once […]


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dgupta5150 on October 31st, 2009

Whom Should I Follow on Twitter?


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